Accountability & Transparency

At Oxfam we are committed to being transparent in our work and accountable to our stakeholders. 

We hold ourselves accountable to people in the communities where we work, to partner organisations, and to the general public as well as staff, volunteers, donors, and host governments.  We do this in various ways including sharing information about our work.

Strategic Evidence Framework

Our Strategic Evidence Framework is part of our effort to better understand, learn from and communicate our impact. Under this Framework, a small number of projects are selected at random each year for an evaluation of impact. Based on the results, learning recommendations are made and the findings are published as part of the Effectiveness Reviews series for accountability and transparency. Syntheses are also conducted for further learning and accountability.


ATLAS, the Oxfam online project browser, provides public access to a database of projects that we work on. Eight Oxfam affiliates update their published project data in IATI format, some on yearly basis, most quarterly and some daily.  The project data published in IATI standard is shown in ATLAS. Projects have been omitted from publication in line with the exclusions in our Open Information Policy including for the reasons of staff security or because of harm to our operations. 


The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative created to enhance aid effectiveness and efficiency by improving the sharing of information. At the centre of IATI is the IATI Standard - a format and framework for publishing and sharing data on development cooperation activities. IATI also provides a single point of access for data published in the IATI format, called the IATI Registry. Oxfam joined as a member of IATI to make information about our activities, spending and achievements easier to access, use and understand.  Since 2018 Oxfam is represented in IATIs governing board. 

Download the raw project data from IATI:

The following applications allow you to make visualisations using data from the registry: 

Links of other Open data or IATI data portals: