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Influencing, Advocacy & Campaigning

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Close-up of a woman in a blue baseball cap and vest speaking into a megaphone with a mask looped around her ears and under her chin.

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Influencing, advocacy and campaigning are essential to challenge and change unjust policies, practices, behaviours and social norms

Engaging communities and building relationships with people directly affected by issues are critically important elements in designing and implementing effective influencing strategies.

We consider power from an intersectional feminist perspective. We ensure marginalized voices are heard and are centred in responses to inequalities and injustice.

We work with people living in poverty to support and strengthen their ability to demand and defend their rights. We work with civil society organizations, women’s and youth movements, and engage with local and national governments.

Working together in alliances, we strengthen collective accountability and build public and political support for citizen participation.

From Poverty to Power

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Janet Fuentes talks about the COVID-19 committee she leads in her community. The group walks through the community talking about the situation with the neighbours. Miguel Villalobos/Oxfam