At a glance
It is through strong partnerships and collective action that we make a positive impact on poverty and injustice
We work in partnership with civil society, women’s rights, youth, faith and community groups as well as state, private sector, foundations, and non-government organizations. We also work in allyship with organisations and movements where we share a common purpose.
Relationships with partners are based on a mutual respect for the contribution that each party brings. They are informed by shared vision and values. We work on the principle that each partner works with autonomy and independence and that there are clear roles and responsibilities. We also commit to joint learning and ongoing improvement.
We hold ourselves accountable to these principles and seek to be held accountable by our partners and those they work with.
Local Humanitarian Leadership: The View from Local Actors

Putting Oxfam’s Partnership Principles into Practice

Building Resilience Through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Photo captions and credit
Adilson da Costa Junior, Oxfam in Timor-Leste’s Strategy and Engagement Lead (L) and Zaquiel Martins de Carmo(R), founder of Timor-Leste Organic Fertiliser Enterprise (TILOFE). Keith Parsons/Oxfam