Disaster Mitigation: A community based approach
More people die as a result of natural disasters now than in the past. The reason for this is that more people are living in vulnerable situations. Disaster Mitigation first examines the underlying causes for this increased vulnerability and looks at why poor people suffer most when disaster strikes. The major part of the book is concerned with mitigating disaster. The author argues that when mitigation measures are carried out by community organisations they are not only more effective, but can also lead to a permanent reduction in vulnerability. Based on experiences, in the Rimac Valley, Peru, where innovative projects for disaster mitigation planning and implementation were carried out by people’s own organisations, the book also provides an overview of selected case studies of vulnerability and disaster mitigation work in other parts of the world. The conclusions reached in Disaster Mitigation have important implications for all who work with people facing the threat of natural disasters. The book makes a powerful case for aid agencies and governments with responsibility for disaster relief and mitigation to focus more on the empowerment of community groups.
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