Reintegration Assessment Report: Oxfam GB in Liberia
In preparation to work in post-conflict communities in diverse areas of Liberia, Oxfam GB undertook a study to better understand people’s views about the reintegration process. The Protection Advisor and Program Officer from the Liberia office spoke to approximately sixty individuals: civilians living in their home communities, displaced persons in camps and villages, and current and ex-combatants (モXCsï¾”, which is used broadly to include anyone associated with the fighting factions, including porters, cooks, and モwivesï¾”). Service providers, especially those with experience from the previous disarmament process in 1996-1997, were also consulted. The primary objective of the study was to identify concerns and expectations regarding reintegration – from both the assistance and protection angles- to enable Oxfam to target future programs more effectively. In particular, Oxfam is concerned not to exacerbate existing tensions between different segments of the communities in which it works. Beyond this, however, the findings will help Oxfam to program in a more conflict-sensitive manner, and to strengthen its protection approach to humanitarian crises.
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