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Mabrouka Hdaya is a craftswoman who has been producing bags and baskets for 20 years. Support from the Youth Participation and Employment (YPE) project helped her overcome the technical and financial obstacles that she has faced since 2018 when she started her entrepreneurial journey. YPE, in partnership with the Local Initiative and Development Forum (FIDEL), selected Mabrouka for training to improve her weaving and business management skills. As a result, she has become more confident and developed working relationships with other people in her trade. Her business was doing well until the COVID-19 pandemic affected markets. She is hopeful she will recover as soon as the markets re-open and national fairs re-start. In the meantime, she sells small quantities of her products through social media platforms and the FIDEL shop. This is the story of an entrepreneur who knows her way forward and is ready to fight uncertainties.

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