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The DCI funded project of the Lakes States Programme was a one-year sustainable livelihoods capacity building project, within the wider Integrated Livelihoods Programme for Southern Sudan. The project was implemented from September 2006 to August 2007. The aim of the project was: (1) to promote sustainable livelihoods by enabling communities (residents and returnees) to identify their own livelihoods needs, and develop projects that address those needs; and (2) to develop the capacity of local SINGOs / CBOs so that they can develop, implement, monitor and evaluate quality community-based livelihoods programmes. This final evaluation was designed to assess achievement against targets, the appropriateness of activities, the level of community participation, the level of co-ordination with other stakeholders, cost effectiveness, sustainability, challenges faced, lessons learnt, and make recommendations for future capacity building programming in the Lakes State.

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