Global Humanitarian Indicator – Synthesis Report
In 2011 Oxfam developed a framework of ‘quality indicators’ as an additional means to monitor, evaluate and learn from its programmes, and to enhance accountability to all stakeholders.
In order to measure the performance of humanitarian programmes using this indicator, a new tool was developed: the Global Humanitarian Indicator Tool (GHIT). It consists of 12 ‘standards of excellence’ against selected humanitarian programmes evaluated. The tool requires collection of documented evidence from each selected programme of its achievements in relation to each standard of excellence. The evidence is analysed using the GHIT’s guidelines to ascertain whether each standard has been met. A score is generated for the programme’s results against each standard, and as a cumulative total. In order for a programme to be considered as having met the quality indicator, the total score needs to be above 60% and all relevant standards to be fully, almost or partially met.
Following the successful introduction of this methodology in 2011, the GHIT was slightly modified (to cater for slow onset disasters and to include Human Resources and Protection issues) and used to evaluate five humanitarian programmes in 2012.
This report presents a synthesis of the results of the five programme-specific evaluations and, on this basis, an evaluation of Oxfam’s overall performance in 2012.
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