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Showing 313 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Educational efficiency in the Caribbean: a comparative analysis
Journal article
How international NGOs could do less harm and more good
Journal article
No more adoption rates! Looking for empowerment in agricultural development programmes
Journal article
Peer education in sexual and reproductive health programming: a Cambodian case study
Journal article
Theatre for transformation and empowerment: a case study of Jana Sanskriti Theatre of the Oppressed
Journal article
Wanted! ‘Strong publics’ for uncertain times: the Active Citizenship in Central America project
Journal article
Institutional change: the unanticipated consequences of action
Showing 313 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Educational efficiency in the Caribbean: a comparative analysis
Journal article
How international NGOs could do less harm and more good
Journal article
No more adoption rates! Looking for empowerment in agricultural development programmes
Journal article
Peer education in sexual and reproductive health programming: a Cambodian case study
Journal article
Theatre for transformation and empowerment: a case study of Jana Sanskriti Theatre of the Oppressed
Journal article
Wanted! ‘Strong publics’ for uncertain times: the Active Citizenship in Central America project
Journal article
Institutional change: the unanticipated consequences of action
Showing 313 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Educational efficiency in the Caribbean: a comparative analysis
Journal article
How international NGOs could do less harm and more good
Journal article
No more adoption rates! Looking for empowerment in agricultural development programmes
Journal article
Peer education in sexual and reproductive health programming: a Cambodian case study
Journal article
Theatre for transformation and empowerment: a case study of Jana Sanskriti Theatre of the Oppressed
Journal article
Wanted! ‘Strong publics’ for uncertain times: the Active Citizenship in Central America project
Journal article