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Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Researching urban poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal article
Practitioner-led research: experiences with Learning Platforms
Journal article
A neutral feminist observer? observation-based research and the politics of feminist knowledge making
Guidelines and toolkits
Planning Survey Research
Guidelines and toolkits
Doing Research with Enumerators
Journal article
The personal is political: a feminist reflection on a journey into participatory arts-based research with sex worker migrants in South Africa
Guidelines and toolkits
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Guides
Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Researching urban poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal article
Practitioner-led research: experiences with Learning Platforms
Journal article
A neutral feminist observer? observation-based research and the politics of feminist knowledge making
Guidelines and toolkits
Planning Survey Research
Guidelines and toolkits
Doing Research with Enumerators
Journal article
The personal is political: a feminist reflection on a journey into participatory arts-based research with sex worker migrants in South Africa
Guidelines and toolkits
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Guides
Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Researching urban poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal article
Practitioner-led research: experiences with Learning Platforms
Journal article
A neutral feminist observer? observation-based research and the politics of feminist knowledge making
Guidelines and toolkits
Planning Survey Research
Guidelines and toolkits
Doing Research with Enumerators
Journal article
The personal is political: a feminist reflection on a journey into participatory arts-based research with sex worker migrants in South Africa
Guidelines and toolkits