Search results for
youth as active citizens
Showing 3 matching results from Policy & Practice
Influencing, Advocacy & Campaigning
Influencing, advocacy and campaigning are essential to challenge and change unjust policies, practices, behaviours and social norms
Development & Humanitarian Practice
We are committed to contributing to collective understanding and improved practice in community-based work and humanitarian action
Inequality exacerbates poverty and leaves millions of people unable to exercise their rights to a basic standard of life, health, and dignity
Showing 3 matching results from Policy & Practice
Influencing, Advocacy & Campaigning
Influencing, advocacy and campaigning are essential to challenge and change unjust policies, practices, behaviours and social norms
Development & Humanitarian Practice
We are committed to contributing to collective understanding and improved practice in community-based work and humanitarian action
Inequality exacerbates poverty and leaves millions of people unable to exercise their rights to a basic standard of life, health, and dignity
Showing 3 matching results from Policy & Practice
Influencing, Advocacy & Campaigning
Influencing, advocacy and campaigning are essential to challenge and change unjust policies, practices, behaviours and social norms
Development & Humanitarian Practice
We are committed to contributing to collective understanding and improved practice in community-based work and humanitarian action
Inequality exacerbates poverty and leaves millions of people unable to exercise their rights to a basic standard of life, health, and dignity