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While considerable literature examines the intersection between feminism and ecology, as well as the intersection between feminism and urbanism, few studies address the intersection between feminism and ecology by looking at aesthetic activism in the city. This essay explores the synergies and potential connections between the idea of body/territory and feminist ecological citizenship through the lens of aesthetic expressions in the streets during the 2019 ‘Estallido Social’, a social uprising in Santiago (Chile). I suggest to read three street art/performance vignettes as aesthetic acts of disobedient citizenship. In so doing, the vignettes illustrate the main conceptual proposition of the paper, that is, to demonstrate how the notion of body/territory operates in three different levels – the body, the state, the planet(ary) – and serves to unsettle essentialist forms of care associated to gendered bodies, gendered public spaces, and the gendered nature of ecological struggles faced in and beyond the city. Ultimately, this exercise aims at exploring the potential of the ecofeminist notion of body/territory to stretch the limits of national and ecological citizenship to encompass care.

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