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Showing 430 matching results from Policy & Practice
Research report
Women’s Economic Empowerment and Care: Evidence for influencing
Briefing note
Why We Care: An overview of the distribution of unpaid care work in Ma’an, southern Jordan
Briefing paper
Who Cares? How best to protect UK care workers employed through agencies and gangmasters from exploitation
Briefing paper
Care Policy Scorecard: A tool for assessing country progress towards an enabling policy environment on care
Research report
The World Bank in Asia: An assessment of COVID-19-related investments through a care lens. Care-responsive investments and development finance
Journal article
Crisis, care and childhood: the impact of economic crisis on care work in poor households in the developing world
Showing 430 matching results from Policy & Practice
Research report
Women’s Economic Empowerment and Care: Evidence for influencing
Briefing note
Why We Care: An overview of the distribution of unpaid care work in Ma’an, southern Jordan
Briefing paper
Who Cares? How best to protect UK care workers employed through agencies and gangmasters from exploitation
Briefing paper
Care Policy Scorecard: A tool for assessing country progress towards an enabling policy environment on care
Research report
The World Bank in Asia: An assessment of COVID-19-related investments through a care lens. Care-responsive investments and development finance
Journal article
Crisis, care and childhood: the impact of economic crisis on care work in poor households in the developing world
Showing 430 matching results from Policy & Practice
Research report
Women’s Economic Empowerment and Care: Evidence for influencing
Briefing note
Why We Care: An overview of the distribution of unpaid care work in Ma’an, southern Jordan
Briefing paper
Who Cares? How best to protect UK care workers employed through agencies and gangmasters from exploitation
Briefing paper
Care Policy Scorecard: A tool for assessing country progress towards an enabling policy environment on care
Research report
The World Bank in Asia: An assessment of COVID-19-related investments through a care lens. Care-responsive investments and development finance
Journal article