Bridging inequalities through inclusion: women’s rights organisations as the ‘missing link’ in donor government-led participatory policy development and practice
![Bridging inequalities through inclusion: women’s rights organisations as the ‘missing link’ in donor government-led participatory policy development and practice](
This article focuses on women’s rights organisations and their role in challenging inequality within the development process. Women in poverty are excluded as a result of their unequal societal position, geographic location, and the predominance of ‘topdown’ and piecemeal policymaking processes carried out by donor governments. We argue that in-country women’s rights organisations provide the ‘missing link’ to bridge the disconnect between grassroots, marginalised women and donor decision-makers. This article focuses on the UK government’s approach to developing policy and practice aimed at furthering international women’s rights, focusing on the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Engaging with women’s rights organisations not only ensures that donor policy and practice responds fully to the interests and needs of the poorest and most marginalised women in the global South, but renders the decision-making process itself empowering to the women involved.
This article is hosted by our co-publisher Taylor & Francis. For the full table of contents for this and previous issues of this journal, please visit the Gender and Development website.
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