Oxfam in Peru: Young Peruvians fighting inequality and fiscal injustice
In Peru, Oxfam and partners are supporting young people to take part in the debate on fiscal justice and inequality by connecting with investigative journalists, academics, movements and civil society organizations. Through the digital platform Actua.pe, this active citizenship is further strengthened online, using creative visuals to inform the debate on issues that they care most about. This creative method has helped citizens to make the connection between taxation policies and the provision of social services such as healthcare in a concrete way. With increased citizen awareness on the one hand, and strong national advocacy on taxation and fiscal issues on the other, Oxfam and partners in Peru are working effectively towards sustained change. This case study is part of Oxfam’s F.A.I.R.-EIU program Fiscal Justice Track Record, which provides an in-depth update on Oxfam and partners’ fiscal justice and inequality work in selected countries.
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