Policy Influence in England: Evaluation of education and youth
This evaluation was originally commissioned as part of the Effectiveness Review Series 2013/14, selected for review under the policy influence thematic area. However, due to the limitations of the evaluation this report provides a light-touch evaluation of the impacts of Oxfam’s work in several schools across London and the South East. The research was carried out in March 2014 as part of the ‘Youth and Schools’ project in the England.
The evaluation assessed the extent to which young people had changed their knowledge, attitudes and practices on issues of global citizenship as a result of targeted programme activities. The evaluation tested the assumptions that effective partnerships with schools through the programme leads to whole school approaches to global citizenship; that classroom based activities and resources enable teachers to better deliver global citizenship learning; and that encouragement of youth action in schools through Youth Ambassadors leads to the development of skills for taking action on global poverty amongst young people.
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