Women, gender, and conflict: making the connections
![Women, gender, and conflict: making the connections](https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/wp-content/themes/oxfam/assets/images/placeholder-journal.png)
This review essay explores the need to make the roles of women and of men visible in order to understand the different ways in which they are involved in, and affected by, armed conflict; and also to examine the ways in which gender roles, the relations between women and men, are changed during and as a result of such conflict. The author reviews current literature on the political economy of conflict, and feminist writing on women in conflict, noting that the former tends to be gender-blind, while the latter generally fails to take into account an understanding of the wider Realpolitik. The author focuses on five recent feminist works that have attempted to do this, and hence contributed to moving the debate forward.
This article is hosted by our co-publisher Taylor & Francis.
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