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Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Giving voice: instigating debate on issues of citizenship, participation, and accountability
Journal article
Women and globalisation: challenges and opportunities facing construction workers in contemporary India
Journal article
Listening to the rice grow’: the local–expat interface in Lao-based international NGOs
Journal article
Combining sanitation and women’s participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan
Journal article
ICTs and decision making: findings from the Poverty Assessor
Journal article
Analysing wellbeing: a framework for development practice
Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Giving voice: instigating debate on issues of citizenship, participation, and accountability
Journal article
Women and globalisation: challenges and opportunities facing construction workers in contemporary India
Journal article
Listening to the rice grow’: the local–expat interface in Lao-based international NGOs
Journal article
Combining sanitation and women’s participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan
Journal article
ICTs and decision making: findings from the Poverty Assessor
Journal article
Analysing wellbeing: a framework for development practice
Showing 461 matching results from Policy & Practice
Journal article
Giving voice: instigating debate on issues of citizenship, participation, and accountability
Journal article
Women and globalisation: challenges and opportunities facing construction workers in contemporary India
Journal article
Listening to the rice grow’: the local–expat interface in Lao-based international NGOs
Journal article
Combining sanitation and women’s participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan
Journal article
ICTs and decision making: findings from the Poverty Assessor
Journal article