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Showing 431 matching results from Policy & Practice
Evaluation report
Factors and Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work: Household survey evidence from five rural communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Research report
Gender Roles and the Care Economy in Ugandan Households: The case of Kaabong, Kabale and Kampala districts
Guidelines and toolkits
Rapid Care Analysis Training Modules
Briefing paper
Unlocking Sustainable Development in Africa by Addressing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work
Research report
Measuring Unpaid Care Work in Household Surveys
Showing 431 matching results from Policy & Practice
Evaluation report
Factors and Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work: Household survey evidence from five rural communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Research report
Gender Roles and the Care Economy in Ugandan Households: The case of Kaabong, Kabale and Kampala districts
Guidelines and toolkits
Rapid Care Analysis Training Modules
Briefing paper
Unlocking Sustainable Development in Africa by Addressing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work
Research report
Measuring Unpaid Care Work in Household Surveys
Showing 431 matching results from Policy & Practice
Evaluation report
Factors and Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work: Household survey evidence from five rural communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Research report
Gender Roles and the Care Economy in Ugandan Households: The case of Kaabong, Kabale and Kampala districts
Guidelines and toolkits
Rapid Care Analysis Training Modules
Briefing paper
Unlocking Sustainable Development in Africa by Addressing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work
Research report