The effects of resource extraction on Inuit women and their families: evidence from Canada
![The effects of resource extraction on Inuit women and their families: evidence from Canada](
This article presents the findings from research conducted by Pauktuutit,an Inuit women’s organisation, and the University of British Colombiainto the gendered social impacts of resource extraction inQamani’tuaq, Nunavut Territory, Canada. The research used a range ofdifferent methods and contributes to a growing body of globalevidence on the social impacts of resource extraction on indigenouswomen and families. It reveals the complex effects of resourceextraction on Inuit women’s lives, at the individual, family, andcommunity levels. This kind of research is urgently required to ensurethat policies on natural resource extraction are developed that supportthe interests and needs of the women, men, and children mostaffected by mining.
This article is hosted by our co-publisher Taylor & Francis. For the full table of contents for this and previous issues of this journal, please visit the Gender and Development website.
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